Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Unforgettable incident at the Gorgeous Theater LOL

The theater in the cruise ship was beautiful!!!

I was so excited!!! xD

We only had a little time to rehearse,

so I was practicing by myself in the gym.

on the show day

with the world champion illusionist Hiroki Hara in the backroom.

Then, Finally it's time to do the last show!

At the wonderful theater,

on the great stage,

in front of a large audience

I fell down on my ass LOL

and I came right back up super quickly,

and posed with a big smile like nothing has happened LOL

It was a great experience and it made me stronger.

Thank you...lol

I guess it was all good because it didn't affect his illusion in a bad way, and I made the audience laugh lol

Big thanks to the amazing illusionist Hiroki Hara for giving me the great opportunity to have a wonderful experience!!!

Please check out his video↓

Thank you for visiting my blog :)

Hope you have a very happy day/night☆


"SADAKO's Paper Cranes ~connect the world~

#パレスチナ でも #国立劇場 など3ヵ所で、映画「サダコの鶴~地球をつなぐ~」が上映されるそうです http://ameblo.jp/mamisue-acting/entry-12081215125.htmlThey'll have...
Posted by Mami Sue on Sunday, October 11, 2015

The film is about a story of Sadako Sasaki, well known though a story of thousand paper cranes.

She was in Hiroshima when the atomic bomb was dropped.

If you don't know about her, here's wikipedia Sadako Sasaki

This girl plays little Sadako, and I play grown Sadako.

In the movie, Sadako is brought back to life today, and meets a boy who is from Fukushima, where nuclear plants are, and was devastated by 311 earthquake.
They travel around the world and see how important it is to achieve world peace.

It shows what's really important in life and what we need to change.
I'm very happy to be a part of it because it has great messages.

I dedicated my heart to play the role in this movie, hoping for peaceful world.

Mami Sue

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