Wednesday, September 23, 2015

All we need is love! I thank her just for her existence.

It's been 8years since I adapted my cat at the shelter in NYC.

She was a little sick, so I've been staying home spending more time with her lately.

She's ok now.

She plays around, eats well.

They say kidney trouble is common in cats.

When I took her to the vet, she was really scared.

She tried to run away and screamed hard.

When I almost started to cry because it was so painful just to see her screaming out in fear and pain, she got quiet and stayed still.

She can certainly sense people's feelings.

She trusts me and she knows I wouldn't do anything without love even though it looks scary at the moment.

I really thank her just for her existence.

She doesn't give me anything materialistic, but she gives me so much happiness just by being in this world, in my life.

I feel blessed just to have somebody I can feel this way.

All we need is love❤️

Hope your life is filled with love and blessings!


"SADAKO's Paper Cranes ~connect the world~

原爆で被爆し、白血病で亡くなった折り鶴の少女サダコが現代に蘇り、福島の少年と平和や戦争を考える旅に出る映画 「サダコの鶴〜地球をつなぐ〜」関西初上映会【日時】8月30日(日)【時間】開場12:30/開演13:00【場所】シアターセブン (最寄り 十三駅)【料金】当日一般1,500円/中・高1,000円/小学生以下700円前売予約・シアターセブン会員1,300円【映画出演】 りあん 幸希 佐々木祐滋 佐々木雅弘 Jun Amanto  志葉玲 マミ・スー山本太郎 ジリ・ヴァンソン 近藤智美 辻元清美 福島みずほ 志位和夫 安倍晋三  本田尚子 【8月30日トーク出演】 増山麗奈監督 志葉玲 本田尚子 ローレンツォ・マッサ#mamisue #prayforpeace #actress #film #movie #peace #WorldPeace #Hiroshima #映画 #女優 #広島 #原爆ドーム #平和 #世界平和 #screening #上映 #japan #japanese #予告編 #ビデオ #ilovemylife #原爆の子の像 #thankful #grateful #平和記念公園 #peacememorialpark #peacememorial #千羽鶴 #折り鶴
Posted by Mami Sue on Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The film is about a story of Sadako Sasaki, well known though a story of thousand paper cranes.

She was in Hiroshima when the atomic bomb was dropped.

If you don't know about her, here's wikipedia Sadako Sasaki

This girl plays little Sadako, and I play grown Sadako.

In the movie, Sadako is brought back to life today, and meets a boy who is from Fukushima, where nuclear plants are, and was devastated by 311 earthquake.
They travel around the world and see how important it is to achieve world peace.

It shows what's really important in life and what we need to change.
I'm very happy to be a part of it because it has great messages.

I dedicated my heart to play the role in this movie, hoping for peaceful world.

Mami Sue

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